The easiest and most effective innerwise ever!

6 steps into YOUR life
- Test whether your presence in your life is fragmented. If this is the case, the symbol of the outer circle (dark gray) is active. Heal it with one or more of the 10 Healers.
- Test whether illusions (external realities) are present in your life. If this is the case, the symbol of the second outer circle (light gray) is active. Heal it with one or more of the 10 Healers.
- Test whether your Being, your “I am,” and your “I am I” are completely present. If one or more are not 100 percent present, heal it or them with one or more of the 10 Healers.
- Test whether all 8 beings of the Path of Realization and Insight—Love, Sound, the Soul, Life, the Self, Presence, Happiness and Creativity—are completely present. If one or more are not 100 percent present, heal it or them with one or more of the 10 Healers.
- Test whether one or more of the negative emotions of the Path of Rigidification are active, and whether you’re still connected to one or more powers of the Path of Temptation. If this is still the case after fully activating the colorful center, heal this with one or more of the 10 Healers.
- Now you are in the center of your life; and by activating your energy field, you can experience happiness, good health and inner wealth. You’re living life how it can be—and Creation is laughing with joy!